
Charred Walls Of The Damned "Ghost Town" Tomado del álbum Charred Walls Of The Damned

Power/Thrash Metal

Letra de los temas

Origen de la banda
Estados Unidos de América

Long Island, Nueva York 2009

Alineación actual
Tim "Ripper" Owens - Voz (Beyond Fear (USA), Yngwie J. Malmsteen, Judas Priest, Iced Earth, Winters Bane, Brainicide, American Dog and Tim Owens, Seattle, Hail!)

Jason Suecof - Guitarra (Crotchduster, Gargamel, Evince, Capharnaum)

Steve DiGiorgio - Bajo (Vintersorg, Scariot, Freak Neil Inc., Testament, Iced Earth, Sebastian Bach & Friends, Artension, Autopsy, Suicide Shift, Control Denied, Death, Sadus, Artension, James Murphy, Dragonlord, Quo Vadis (Can), Futures End)

Richard Christy - Batería (Caninus, Burning Inside, Rick Renstrom, Acheron, Death, Control Denied, Demons & Wizards, Leash Law, Public Assassin, Tiwanaku, Syzygy (USA), Bung Dizeez, Incantation, Monument of Bones, Iced Earth, The Loosers)


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