Charred Walls Of The Damned "Ghost Town" Tomado del álbum Charred Walls Of The Damned
Power/Thrash Metal
Letra de los temas
Origen de la banda
Estados Unidos de América
Long Island, Nueva York 2009
Alineación actual
Tim "Ripper" Owens - Voz (Beyond Fear (USA), Yngwie J. Malmsteen, Judas Priest, Iced Earth, Winters Bane, Brainicide, American Dog and Tim Owens, Seattle, Hail!)
Jason Suecof - Guitarra (Crotchduster, Gargamel, Evince, Capharnaum)
Steve DiGiorgio - Bajo (Vintersorg, Scariot, Freak Neil Inc., Testament, Iced Earth, Sebastian Bach & Friends, Artension, Autopsy, Suicide Shift, Control Denied, Death, Sadus, Artension, James Murphy, Dragonlord, Quo Vadis (Can), Futures End)
Richard Christy - Batería (Caninus, Burning Inside, Rick Renstrom, Acheron, Death, Control Denied, Demons & Wizards, Leash Law, Public Assassin, Tiwanaku, Syzygy (USA), Bung Dizeez, Incantation, Monument of Bones, Iced Earth, The Loosers)
Charred Walls Of The Damned "Ghost Town" Tomado del álbum Charred Walls Of The Damned
Power/Thrash Metal
Letra de los temas
Origen de la banda
Estados Unidos de América
Long Island, Nueva York 2009
Alineación actual
Tim "Ripper" Owens - Voz (Beyond Fear (USA), Yngwie J. Malmsteen, Judas Priest, Iced Earth, Winters Bane, Brainicide, American Dog and Tim Owens, Seattle, Hail!)
Jason Suecof - Guitarra (Crotchduster, Gargamel, Evince, Capharnaum)
Steve DiGiorgio - Bajo (Vintersorg, Scariot, Freak Neil Inc., Testament, Iced Earth, Sebastian Bach & Friends, Artension, Autopsy, Suicide Shift, Control Denied, Death, Sadus, Artension, James Murphy, Dragonlord, Quo Vadis (Can), Futures End)
Richard Christy - Batería (Caninus, Burning Inside, Rick Renstrom, Acheron, Death, Control Denied, Demons & Wizards, Leash Law, Public Assassin, Tiwanaku, Syzygy (USA), Bung Dizeez, Incantation, Monument of Bones, Iced Earth, The Loosers)
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